Meaning of phita in english
Interpreting phita - फीता
As noun : stripe उ: गले में फीता पहने बोस इस सम्मेलन के अध्यक्ष थे।
wire Ex:  A suspended spider its wire उ: इस समूह में कई परजीवी शामिल हैं, जैसे फ्लूक और फीता कृमि। ribbon Ex:  A flame-colored ribbon strap Ex:  Walking a horse The run slowly or holding it by the strap or in the amount of yard measure yardstick Ex:  , Know what is the yardstick that is said of the Things That experience has shown to be difficult, unpleasant, painful, high spending, etc lace Ex:  A lace which was defeated, who broke scotch tape measuring tape braid Ex:  The one, the one that braid fillet tape Ex:  It is also said of a tape Species or braid, a fabric web which is bordering parts of clothing tape measure
Other : drawband chevron Ex:  In a chevron topped with a star galloon tab Ex:  He said, moreover, the assembly mane that falls under the rear part of the ball of the foot of a horse and hides the tab narrow goods snood riband cordon lacing taenia band Ex:  The band had recently acquired a new bassist tag
Suggested : a stick a yard long, commonly marked with subdivisions, used for measuring a narrow strip of flexible material, especially leather, as for fastening or holding things together a woven strip or band of fine material, as silk or rayon, varying in width and finished off at the edges, used for ornament, tying, etc a slender, stringlike piece or filament of relatively rigid or flexible metal, usually circular in section, manufactured in a great variety of diameters and metals depending on its application a relatively long, narrow band of a different color, appearance, weave, material, or nature from the rest of a surface or thing
Exampleफीता का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of phita Antonyms of phita
Word of the day
Usage of फीता:
1. एराबोल लुब्रीकेंट के सहयोग से शीशमहल में आयोजित इस ऑटो एक्सपो का शुभारंभ रेज के पुलिस महानिरीक्षक ओपी सिंह ने फीता काटकर किया bhaskar.com2. एराबोल लुब्रीकेंट के सहयोग से शीश महल में आयोजित इस ऑटो एक्सपो का शुभारंभ रेज के पुलिस महानिरीक्षक ओपी सिंह ने फीता काटकर किया bhaskar.com3. - टीम ने फीता लेकर कमरे की ऊंचाई मापी bhaskar.comRelated words :As verb : फीता खोलना - unlace फीता बाँधना - lace
Other : फीता अभिलेखन - tape recording फीता कृमि - taenia फीता चिह्न - tape mark फीता दूरमुद्रक - tape teleprinter फीता नियंत्रित वाहन - tape controlled carriage फीता रिक्ति - tape gap फीता विमा - dimension of tape फीता वेष्टित क्रोड - tape wound core फीता संकेत - taper signal
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender .
Transliteration :