Meaning of phir dekhana in english

Interpreting phir dekhana - फिर देखना
As verb : reconsider Ex:  O'Connor refused to reconsider Roe
Other :
to revisit to reconsider Ex:  Thomas to reconsider its decision. revisit Ex:  We will soon revisit the heyday to return Ex:  Those who approved of them tended to return to the larger Esperanto community. to recognize Ex:  Galerius refused to recognize Maxentius recognize Ex:  Galerius refused to recognize Maxentius to recognise return Ex:  Those who approved of them tended to return to the larger Esperanto community.
Suggested : to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc to go to and stay with (a person or family) or at (a place) for a short time for reasons of sociability, politeness, business, curiosity, etc to consider again, especially with a view to change of decision or action
Exampleफिर देखना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of phir dekhana

Word of the day
phir dekhana can be used as verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : phira dekhanaa

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