Meaning of (फंसाना) phansana in english

Other : to entrap उ:   रोगी के मुंह में कुछ नहीं फंसाना चाहिये।
to trap to snare to implicate to mesh Ex:  The partridges begin to mesh sniggle implicate entrap to lime Ex:  This is due to lime and sand to hook Ex:  This girl will have much difficulty to hook a husband to web to gin to entangle to hamper to bewitch to involve to decoy to puzzle to complicate entangle to tangle involve Ex:  Many real-life dilemmas involve multiple players. taigle enmesh mesh Ex:  The partridges begin to mesh bewitch complicate tangle snare hamper trap Ex:  This also says a person who completely gives in a trap lime Ex:  This is due to lime and sand gin puzzle web Ex:  Add-ons can be installed either locally, or directly by an web site. decoy hook Ex:  This girl will have much difficulty to hook a husband frame Ex:  Carpentry wood piece that supports the failures of the frame of a roof
Suggested : any knit, woven, or knotted fabric of open texture to include as a necessary circumstance, condition, or consequence imply entail to make tangled ensnarl intertwine to catch in or as in a trap ensnare to show to be also involved, usually in an incriminating manner
Exampleफंसाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of फंसाना:
1. आतंकवाद के झूठे आरोपों में मुसलमानों को फंसाना गलत: कानून मंत्री ibnlive.com2. आजसू के नेताओं को फंसाना राजनीति से प्रेरित : आजसू LiveHindustan
(फंसाना) phansana and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : pha.nsaanaa

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