Meaning of (फैलना) phailana in english

As noun : play
circulate sweep spread dress up do the round carry run go the round reach go the rounds do the rounds bear
Other : to get uncontrorablle (through anger उ:   अपनी सहानुभति के घेरे भी फैलना चाहिये। to be angrily cross to spread Ex:  On his mission to spread the Advaita Vedanta philosophy to listen to no entreaties to be diffused to expand Ex:  Norris used these funds to expand access to the park to extend Ex:  BHOs are used to extend the feature set of the browser to be stretched to be scattered to spill to be inflated (as वह तो बहुत फैल गया है widen transmit Ex:  Physical Property that have the bodies to transmit heat or electricity
Suggested : to send or forward, as to a recipient or destination dispatch convey
Exampleफैलना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of फैलना:
1. चालक ने चलती बस को रोका तब तक आग काफी तेजी से फैलना शुरू हो गई
(फैलना) phailana and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : phailanaa

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