Meaning of rahageer,rahagir in english

Interpreting rahageer,rahagir - राहगीर
As noun : passenger Ex:  CP Rail transferred its passenger services to VIA Rail
Other : traveller passer
Suggested : a person who is traveling in an automobile, bus, train, airplane, or other conveyance, especially one who is not the driver, pilot, or the like
Exampleराहगीर का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of rahageer,rahagir

Word of the day
Usage of राहगीर:
1. - किसी राहगीर ने पुलिस को फोन कर इस बारे में बताया bhaskar.com2. -राजू छाबड़ा, राहगीर bhaskar.com3. जिला ऊना के अम्ब के सुंकाली मोड़ के पास पुल पर कल देर रात एक वाहन चालक ने दो और राहगीर रौंद डाले
rahageer,rahagir can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender . Transliteration : raahagiira

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