Meaning of rajakeey samaroh,rajakiy samaroh in english

Interpreting rajakeey samaroh,rajakiy samaroh - राजकीय समारोह
As noun :
state Ex:  Since 1901 New South Wales has been a state of the Commonwealth of Australia
Suggested : the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes
Exampleराजकीय समारोह का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of rajakeey samaroh,rajakiy samaroh

Word of the day
Usage of राजकीय समारोह:
1. जानिये, राजकीय समारोह में फहराता है कहां का बना तिरंगाlivehindustan.com2. आरा: राजकीय समारोह में अश्लील गीतों पर लगे ठुमके
rajakeey samaroh,rajakiy samaroh can be used as noun.. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras. Transliteration : raajakiiya samaaroha

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