Meaning of rengane valee cheejon se bhara hona,rengane vali chijon se bhara hona in english

Interpreting rengane valee cheejon se bhara hona,rengane vali chijon se bhara hona - रेंगने वाली चीजों से भरा होना
As verb :
Suggested : to move in a prone position with the body resting on or close to the ground, as a worm or caterpillar, or on the hands and knees, as a young child
Exampleरेंगने वाली चीजों से भरा होना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of rengane valee cheejon se bhara hona,rengane vali chijon se bhara hona Antonyms of rengane valee cheejon se bhara hona,rengane vali chijon se bhara hona

Word of the day
rengane valee cheejon se bhara hona,rengane vali chijon se bhara hona can be used as verb or intransitive verb. No of characters: 29 including consonants matras. Transliteration : re.ngane vaalii chiijo.n se bharaa honaa

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