Meaning of rok rakhana in english

Interpreting rok rakhana - रोक रखना
As noun : retention
keep after
As verb : withhold retain Ex:  Macau, and the ROC retain the use of the traditional characters. detain keep back
Other : shutting out with hold clamp on to detain hold over adjourn to adjourn suspend Ex:  He said today in Long and wide strips of leather cross, which serve to maintain, suspend a horse in the unit called Work to suspend detention Ex:  Preventive detention
Suggested : to hold or retain in one's possession hold as one's own the act of retaining to keep from proceeding keep waiting delay to keep possession of to hold back restrain or check
Exampleरोक रखना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of rok rakhana Antonyms of rok rakhana

Word of the day
rok rakhana can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : roka rakhanaa

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