Meaning of rudhi in english
Interpreting rudhi - रूढि़
As noun : stereotype Ex:  This fact is sometimes referred to as the "evil albino" stereotype
convention Ex:  A new convention was drafted at the time
Other : usage Ex:  The name Kanaky is also in common usage in French
Suggested : a meeting or formal assembly, as of representatives or delegates, for discussion of and action on particular matters of common concern a customary way of doing something a custom or practice
Exampleरूढि़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of rudhi
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Related words :
As noun : रूढिबद्ध धारणा - stereotype रूढिवादी मण्डली - the old guard रूढिवादी व्यक्ति - stuffed shirt रूढिविरोधी - nonconformist
As adjective : रूढिगत - prescriptive रूढि़गत - conventional
Other : रूढि लक्षणा - रूढि शब्द - primitive रूढिगत अभिकल्प - conventional design रूढिवादी - stereotype रूढि़गत अपराध - conventional crime रूढि़गत कला - conventional art रूढि़गत परक्राम्यता - negotiability by custom रूढि़गत भीड़ - conventional crowd रूढि़प्रधान भाषा - lexicological language
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :