Meaning of (रिस्क) riska in english

As noun : flurry उ:   इन जोखिमों को टेल रिस्क के रूप में जाना जाता है।
waft blow draught whiff gale breath Ex:  Having bad language, bad breath breast Ex:  paneling support, Paneling breast high prevailing around a room gush draft Ex:  Bosnian national teams have struggled to draft the best national players. blast puff gust accountability answerability answerableness encumbrance weight Ex:  Do me right weight matter Ex:  As a practical matter lexicon charge Ex:  Jurisprudence Leading a trial against someone, a charge burden Ex:  Imposing excessive load, too great burden load Ex:  It meant, among the Romans, Whoever aspired to a load of clog imposition Ex:  Legal prohibition, one that results from the imposition of certain penalties such as forced labor, detention, imprisonment, etc weighting burden Ex:  Imposing excessive load, too great burden albatross Ex:  The name albatross is derived from the Arabic al-câdous or al-ġaţţās temper a tax on Ex:  TWENTIETH was said particularly as male name, established a tax on landed property, which was the twentieth part of their income
Suggested : the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration a very strong wind draughts, (used with a singular verb) British the game of checkers to carry lightly and smoothly through the air or over water a light, brief shower of snow
Exampleरिस्क का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of रिस्क:
1. धौनी पर बोले गैरी कर्स्टन, कप्तानी से हटाना है तो अपने रिस्क पर हटाओ livehindustan.com2. धौनी पर बोले गैरी कर्स्टन, कप्तानी से हटाना है तो अपने रिस्क पर हटाओ livehindustan.com3. धौनी पर बोले गैरी कर्स्टन, कप्तानी से हटाना है तो अपने रिस्क पर हटाओ
(रिस्क) riska can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from English language . Transliteration : riska

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