Meaning of sata hua in english

Interpreting sata hua - सटा हुआ
As verb : adjoining Ex:  The past participle attached, EE is adjective and expressed in terms of Blason, Two adjoining things and joined together
As adjective : close set thickset contiguous Ex:  Fortification comprised of Palisade trunks of trees planted vertically contiguous adjacent Ex:  The adjacent cities in the Gran Asunción area like Luque
Suggested : lying near, close, or contiguous adjoining neighboring touching in contact set thickly or in close arrangement dense to be adjacent touch or join at the edge or border (often followed by on, upon, or against ) to be close to or in contact with abut on
Exampleसटा हुआ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sata hua Antonyms of sata hua

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Usage of सटा हुआ:
1. यह गांव फिरोजपुर-पाकिस्तान सीमा के साथ सटा हुआ था जिससे उसके सुसराल वालों के कुछ तस्करों से संबंध बने हुए थे bhaskar.com2. यह गांव फिरोजपुर-पाकिस्तान सीमा के साथ सटा हुआ था जिससे उसके सुसराल वालों के कुछ तस्करों से संबंध बने हुए थे
sata hua can be used as verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : saTaa huaa

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