Meaning of sade dhang se in english
Interpreting sade dhang se - सादे ढंग से
As noun : soberly Ex: Treat a about soberly
severely Ex: This was facilitated by the severely reduced state of their genomes
As adverb : casually Ex: He filled ways casually softly Ex: Immediately he began to speak softly unpretentiously
Suggested : yielding readily to touch or pressure easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape not hard or stiff harsh unnecessarily extreme not intoxicated or drunk happening by chance fortuitous
Exampleसादे ढंग से का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sade dhang se
Word of the day
sade dhang se
can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
saade Dha.nga se