Meaning of saman le jane kee petee,saman le jane ki peti in english

Interpreting saman le jane kee petee,saman le jane ki peti - सामान ले जाने की पेटी
As noun :
crate Ex:  Make the state of his crate or simply make his case
Suggested : a slatted wooden box or framework for packing, shopping, or storing fruit, furniture, glassware, crockery, etc
Exampleसामान ले जाने की पेटी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of saman le jane kee petee,saman le jane ki peti

Word of the day
saman le jane kee petee,saman le jane ki peti can be used as noun.. No of characters: 21 including consonants matras. Transliteration : saamaana le jaane kii peTii

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