Meaning of saragarbhit in english
Interpreting saragarbhit - सारगर्भित
As noun : revealing Ex:  A document revealing उ: यह एक पौराणिक शिवालय होने के साथ-साथ मान्यताऐं भी सारगर्भित हैं।
As adjective :
succinct उ: इन सारगर्भित वाक्यों को सूत्र कहा जाता था। sententious Ex:  Language sententious उ: शिवालय होने के साथ-साथ मान्यताऐं भी सारगर्भित हैं। pithy उ: बीच-बीच में सारगर्भित और निष्कर्षमय पद्यों का भी सन्निवेश हुआ है। pregnant Ex:  state of a pregnant woman or duration of this state meaty compendious
Other : substantial Ex:  Jewish people constitute the majority, or a substantial part of the population. terse
Suggested : having a child or other offspring developing in the body with child or young, as a woman or female mammal to make known disclose divulge brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression full of vigor, substance, or meaning terse forcible abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims expressed in few words concise terse
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : सारगर्भित ढंग से - succinctly सारगर्भित विचार - food for thought सारगर्भितता - succinctness
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :