Meaning of savadhanee se,savadhani se in english
Interpreting savadhanee se,savadhani se - सावधानी से
As noun : discreetly Ex:  User permission to discreetly
to the letter Ex:  It has his name to the letter
As adjective : circumspect careful Ex:  It shows careful in everything he says or writes
As adverb : carefully Ex:  Bradman carefully selected the people to whom he gave interviews mindfully gently Ex:  Benin Remedy, Remedy, which acts gently
Other : warely heedfully choicely circumspectively coolly deliberately Ex:  Accept a proposal deliberately vigilantly advisedly gingerly cautiously Ex:  He brought it began very cautiously in this case observantly warily
Suggested : cautious in one's actions a written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization and usually transmitted by mail judicious in one's conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature prudent circumspect cautious in one's actions watchful and discreet cautious prudent
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Usage of सावधानी से:
1. आसमान में टकराने से बच गए दो विमान, सावधानी से टला हादसाlivehindustan.com2. जो भी लोग शीर्ष पर पहुंचने की तैयारी में हों या पहुंच चुके हों उन्हें एक बात ध्यान रखनी चाहिए कि अपनी एग्ज़िट का दरवाजा सावधानी से खुला रखें bhaskar.com3. जन्म कुंडली में कालसर्प दोष का निर्धारण अत्यंत सावधानी से करना चाहिए केवल राहू-केतु के मध्य ग्रहों का होना ही पर्याप्त नही है ibnlive.comRelated words :As noun : सावधानी से निकालना - ease सावधानी से निरीक्षण करना - case the joint सावधानी से रोकना - guard doing
As verb : सावधानी से देखभाल करना - coddle
As adverb : सावधानी से या आराम से - gingerly
Other : सावधानी से अनुपालन - careful observance सावधानी से देखना या ताकना - peer सावधानी से देखनाताकना - सावधानी से पढनेवाला - peruser सावधानी से परीक्षा किया हुआ - studied सावधानी से बढ़ो - proceed with caution सावधानी सेआराम से -
savadhanee se,savadhani se
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
saavadhaanii se