Meaning of sabase bada in english

Interpreting sabase bada - सबसे बडा
As noun : eldest Ex:  Soon after this misfortune, Dufferin's eldest son was killed in the Boer War.
biggest Ex:  The city also houses one of the biggest sports stadiums in Africa primus all time Ex:  Jack Nicklaus is considered to be one of the greatest golfers of all time capital Ex:  It was already capital of Buenos Aires Province
Suggested : the city or town that is the official seat of government in a country, state, etc
Exampleसबसे बडा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sabase bada Antonyms of sabase bada

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Usage of सबसे बडा:
1. सीरिया मेरे कार्यकाल का सबसे बडा संकट: ओबामा LiveHindustan2. वेस्ट यूपी का सबसे बडा दवा मार्किट बंद LiveHindustan3. मुंबई के सबसे बडे डंपिंग ग्राउंड देवनार में लगी आग के मामले में अब तक का सबसे बडा खुलासा सामने आया हैibnlive.comRelated words :
sabase bada can be used as noun.. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : sabase baDaa

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