Meaning of sahana in english

Interpreting sahana - सहना
As noun : bear उ:   तपना, पिघलना, अनवरत चोट सहना और तब कहीं आकार लेना।
stick out उ:   दोनों जवान औरतों को अपने पतियों और ससुराल वालों का ज़ुल्म सहना पड़ा। stomach Ex:  The experts recognized the presence of the poison, arsenic in the stomach of the victim abide digest drink
As verb : endure Ex:  It means even Supporter, suffer, endure उ:   द्वारवाले एवं प्रकाशीय काचों को ऋतुक्षारण सहना पड़ता है। tolerate Ex:  Let the two genera can not tolerate उ:   उसे यह लगता है कि वह लड़की को भि वही सब सहना पडेगा जो उसने सहा था। put up उ:   १८९९ के अकाल के समय ध्रोल को जान का भारी नुकसान सहना पड़ा था। live with Ex:  Díaz-Balart reportedly returned to Havana to live with Fidelito and his family. suffer Ex:  At no time did the P-38 suffer from true flutter. go through Ex:  I do not want to go through the same path brook Ex:  The brook whispers stand Ex:  In educational terms it means the Way to stand
Other : to forbear to stand Ex:  Make the beautiful, says Dogs that are erected to stand on hind legs to endure Ex:  To suffer, to endure steadfastly to tolerate withstand Ex:  It said, in terms of Architecture, a furniture Species, wider at the top than the bottom, made to withstand busts or other ornaments weather Ex:  However, the weather is subject in all parts of the state to change.
Suggested : to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear stab to hold up support to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance permit to hold out against sustain without impairment or yielding undergo
Exampleसहना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sahana Antonyms of sahana

Word of the day
Usage of सहना:
1. इसल‌िए देवी राधा को म‌िला शाप और धरती पर जन्म लेकर सहना पड़ा कृष्‍ण से व‌ियोग का दर्दamarujala.com2. राधाष्टमी व‌िशेषः इसल‌िए देवी राधा का हुआ पृथ्वी पर जन्म और कृष्‍ण से व‌िरह का दर्द सहना पड़ा amarujala.com3. सरपंच ने पुरुषों को बरगलाना शुरू किया सामंजस्य अलग बात है और सहना अलग bhaskar.comRelated words :
As adjective : सहनशील - tolerant

sahana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : sahanaa

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