Meaning of samarthan karna in english

Interpreting samarthan karna - समर्थन करना
As noun : advocate Ex:  He has friends who advocate ever
support Ex:  Some residents did support the Germans bear out backup plump for stand up for stand for carry Ex:  which is of service to an officer, to carry his orders, to a door, to inform, etc side Ex:  The pipeline brought oil from the east side of the Andes to the coast back Ex:  The history of the Sputnik 1 project dates back to May 27 champion Ex:  The world's champion trees can be considered on several factors
As verb : endorse adhere Ex:  It said, in terms of anatomy, a Canal, a canal, a ship that is slowly closed and the walls eventually adhere to each other reinforce Ex:  This serves to reinforce defend Ex:  Action to defend, defend uphold espouse sympathise root for stand by sympathize Ex:  I really sympathize with you .
Other : indorse to endorse to vindicate to prop to vouch vindicate vouch corroborate to warrant subscribe justify Ex:  The violence that the enemy has committed, authorized, justify our retaliation favor Ex:  The district court ruled in McCorvey's favor maintain Ex:  Yet Keralites maintain high rates of newspaper and magazine subscriptions warrant prop
Suggested : to support or defend, as against opposition or criticism to ward off attack from guard against assault or injury (usually followed by from or against ) to strengthen with some added piece, support, or material to stay attached stick fast cleave cling (usually followed by to ) to approve, support, or sustain
Exampleसमर्थन करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of samarthan karna Antonyms of samarthan karna

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Usage of समर्थन करना:
1. ज्वैलरी शोरूम का उद्घाटन करने गोरखपुर पहुंची बॉलीवुड की मस्त-मस्त गर्ल रवीना टंडन ने कहा कि मौजूदा माहौल में भारत सरकार ने पाकिस्तान को लेकर जो रणनीति अपनाई है उसका बॉलीवुड सहित हर किसी को दिल खोलकर समर्थन करना चाहिएlivehindustan.com2. बॉलीवुड सुपरस्टार शाहरुख खान का कहना है कि देश ने अगर नरेंद्र मोदी को भारत का प्रधानमंत्री चुना है तो हम सभी को उनका समर्थन करना चाहिएibnlive.com3. देश ने मोदी को चुना, हमें उनका समर्थन करना चाहिए: शाहरुख
samarthan karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. Transliteration : samarthana karanaa

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