Meaning of samarthit in english
Interpreting samarthit - समर्थित
As noun : endorsed Ex:  Bhumibol endorsed the coup उ: इसमें गूगल समर्थित खोज सुविधा है।
Other :
supported/vindicated उ: यह इनपुट में अन्य साँचे समर्थित नहीं करता है। sustained Ex:  Other theories focused on injuries sustained during birth. उ: गालतासराय तुर्की में सबसे समर्थित क्लब है। supported Ex:  He supported me. उ: स्थानीय लोगों द्वारा समर्थित किला हमले झेलने।
Suggested : to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc) serve as a foundation for to support, hold, or bear up from below bear the weight of, as a structure to approve, support, or sustain
Exampleसमर्थित का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of samarthit Antonyms of samarthit
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can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :