Meaning of sandehaspad in english
Interpreting sandehaspad - सन्देहास्पद
As noun : suspect Ex: This made him suspect to his party उ: परंतु यह समय काफी संदेहास्पद हो गया है।
dubious Ex: Probity dubious उ: किंतु इनमें से कौन मुख्य धारा है, यह संदेहास्पद है। indefinite Ex: NUL, the male, is also an indefinite pronoun that absolutely uses as the subject of the sentence and means No man, no one fishy problematic Ex: This could be problematic when several soldiers had the same name
As adjective : murky उ: संदेहास्पद विष के प्रकरणों में विष साक्ष्यों के संकलन के लिए। indecisive suspicious Ex: This is a man suspicious questionable problematical
Suggested : like a fish in shape, smell, taste, or the like
Exampleसन्देहास्पद का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sandehaspad Antonyms of sandehaspad
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Related words :
As noun : संदेहास्पद दृष्टि से देखना - look askance संदेहास्पद विषय - grey area संदेहास्पद व्यक्ति - a marked man
As adverb : संदेहास्पद ढंग से - suspiciously
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :