Meaning of sandehaspad in english

Interpreting sandehaspad - सन्देहास्पद
As noun : suspect Ex:  This made him suspect to his party उ:   परंतु यह समय काफी संदेहास्पद हो गया है।
dubious Ex:  Probity dubious उ:   किंतु इनमें से कौन मुख्य धारा है, यह संदेहास्पद है। indefinite Ex:  NUL, the male, is also an indefinite pronoun that absolutely uses as the subject of the sentence and means No man, no one fishy problematic Ex:  This could be problematic when several soldiers had the same name
As adjective : murky उ:   संदेहास्पद विष के प्रकरणों में विष साक्ष्यों के संकलन के लिए। indecisive suspicious Ex:  This is a man suspicious questionable problematical
Suggested : like a fish in shape, smell, taste, or the like
Exampleसन्देहास्पद का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sandehaspad Antonyms of sandehaspad

Word of the day
sandehaspad can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. Transliteration : sandehaaspada

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