Meaning of sangini in english

Interpreting sangini - संगिनी
As noun : girlfriend Ex:  He finally divorced Lil in 1938 and married longtime girlfriend Alpha. उ:   पुस्तकें ही उनकी जीवन संगिनी थीं।
lady friend female companion
Suggested : a frequent or favorite female companion sweetheart
Exampleसंगिनी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sangini Antonyms of sangini

Word of the day
Usage of संगिनी:
1. नहीं रहीं रेणु की जीवन संगिनी पद्मा रेणु LiveHindustan2. नहीं रहीं कथा शिल्पी रेणु की जीवन संगिनी पद्मा रेणु LiveHindustan3. क्रिकेटर शमी ने ढूंढ ली ‘हसीन’ जीवन संगिनी LiveHindustan
sangini can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender . Transliteration : sa.nginii

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