Meaning of silavat in english

Interpreting silavat - सिलवट
As noun : crease
wrinkle crinkle ruck
Suggested : to draw or gather into wrinkles or irregular folds, as material or a part of the face constrict a large number or quantity mass to wrinkle crimple ripple a small furrow or crease in the skin, especially of the face, as from aging or frowning a ridge or groove produced in anything by folding, heat, pressure, etc fold furrow
Exampleसिलवट का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of silavat Antonyms of silavat

Word of the day
Usage of सिलवट:
1. पूछताछ में उन लोगों ने अपना नाम तौफीक अहमद उर्फ आशिक उर्फ मराठा- सिलवट गंजट थाना प्रेमनगर झांसी, सरताज उर्फ गुड्डे- आवास विकास संगम विहार कॉलोनी सीपरी बाजार और आबिद- थाना स्कूलपुरा प्रेमनगर बताया था bhaskar.comRelated words :
silavat can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from modification of Hindi language by locals . Transliteration : silavaTa

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