Meaning of svechchh in english
Interpreting svechchh - स्वेच्छ
As noun : derelict
Other :
voluntarily Ex:  By extension, it means attitude of one who was voluntarily and by system
Suggested : left or deserted, as by the owner or guardian abandoned done, made, brought about, undertaken, etc, of one's own accord or by free choice
Exampleस्वेच्छ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Related words :
Other : स्वेच्छ अचर - arbitrary constant स्वेच्छ अवयव - arbitrary element स्वेच्छ इलेक्ट्रॉन - arbitrary electron स्वेच्छ कर्षण ध्रुवी - arbitrary drag polar स्वेच्छ क्रम - arbitrary order स्वेच्छ गतिमान तंत्र - arbitrarily moving system स्वेच्छ तलचिह् न - arbitrary bench mark स्वेच्छ नियतन - arbitrary allocation स्वेच्छ पठन - free reading स्वेच्छ पठन समय - free reading period स्वेच्छ प्रणाली की धारिता - capacity of arbitrary system स्वेच्छ प्रदेश - arbitrary region स्वेच्छ प्रवाह - arbitary flous स्वेच्छ प्रसमष्टि - arbitrary manifold स्वेच्छ प्राचल - arbitrary parameter
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :