Meaning of svechchha se chhodana in english

Interpreting svechchha se chhodana - स्वेच्छा से छोड़ना
As verb :
abdicate Ex:  To abdicate the crown
Suggested : to renounce or relinquish a throne, right, power, claim, responsibility, or the like, especially in a formal manner
Exampleस्वेच्छा से छोड़ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of svechchha se chhodana Antonyms of svechchha se chhodana

Word of the day
svechchha se chhodana can be used as verb or transitive verb. No of characters: 17 including consonants matras. Transliteration : svechChaa se Cho.Danaa

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