Meaning of (संपृक्त) snpaृkta in english

As noun : associated Ex:  Thalassemias are particularly associated with Arab-Americans उ:   परंतु वीर रस से संपृक्त वर्णन भी इसमें बड़े जीवंत और प्रभावशाली हैं।
joint Ex:  It also means Amputate in the joint combination Ex:  This is due to a combination of factors: genetics united Ex:  In 1801, Ireland united with Great Britain to form the United Kingdom. compound Ex:  PETIT also joins several names with which it forms compound words or phrases relevance relevant Ex:  Quality that is relevant affiliate assoc bloody absolute Ex:  It also said things in absolute opposition radical Ex:  It is also said, substantively: A radical, radical relative Ex:  Albertosaurus was much smaller than its more famous relative Tyrannosaurus clear Ex:  Water clear dead Ex:  They are, so to speak, dead the full measure of fill Ex:  The bottle is half, it must fill or emptying plain Ex:  Making a plain flat and horizontal positive Ex:  Initial critical reaction was generally positive unconditioned total Ex:  Ghana is a divided into 10 regions, subdivided into a total of 138 districts. clean in depth perfect Ex:  POSSESSION works figuratively and signifies Know one thing, having a perfect knowledge teem with crowded honeycombed studded inlaid Ex:  Linoleum united, inlaid
As verb : allied Ex:  Although the US and the Soviet Union had been allied against Nazi Germany coherent Ex:  coherent Smallpox concerning Ex:  Many new laws and codes concerning all aspects of life are being launched. interested Ex:  Vishniac was very interested in history, especially that of his ancestors. involved Ex:  Since many people are involved utter consummate complete Ex:  Thescelosaurus skeletons are much more complete congested studded occupied Ex:  During his life, the Mongol Empire eventually occupied most of Asia. stuffed Ex:  Heat oven stuffed with
As adjective : integral Ex:  Morse code was an integral part of international aviation. thorough plenary full fledged clean acceptance,complete,completed,exhaustive,finished,full,ntegral,laudatory,plenary,ripe straight out unqualified finished Ex:  He and Jagger finished writing the song at a hotel in Clearwater loaded Ex:  molten metal Ball, different sizes, the guns were loaded with awash jam packed dotted with Ex:  This sea is dotted with several groups of islands full Ex:  Hurricane Hugo struck Montserrat with full force alive Ex:  In terms of Paint, Painting from life, Painting after the model alive rife
As adverb : outright in toto thoroughly Ex:  , Make war on words, criticize thoroughly style and words in a written through Ex:  That can be arranged through the offices of the Authority
Suggested : joined by treaty, agreement, or common cause composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients made into or caused to act as a single entity the place at which two things, or separate parts of one thing, are joined or united, either rigidly or in such a way as to permit motion juncture to connect or bring into relation, as thought, feeling, memory, etc
Exampleसंपृक्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(संपृक्त) snpaृkta can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : s.npaृkta

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