Meaning of (सम) sam in english
As noun : even Ex:  By 1849, the HBC faced even greater threats to its monopoly. उ: यहाँ विस्तृत, सम तथा दलदली घाटियाँ हैं।
parallel Ex:  In terms of music, it refers to the five parallel lines on which or between which the notes उ: सम की लुकाछिपी की जाती थी।
As adjective : similar Ex:  ” Preceding similar praises from Pope John Paul II in 1992 उ: कोशिका की दीवार में दो सम या असम विभाजन होते हैं।
Other : even number उ: वर्णवृत ː सम छंद को वृत कहते हैं। equal Ex:  The area of each constructed sector is therefore equal to . उ: इसे अर्द्ध सम मात्रिक छंंद कहते हैं । homogeneous Ex:  With one of the most homogeneous populations in Latin America उ: सम चरणों के अंत में जगण होता है। regular pro- उ: पदपादाकुलक एक सम मात्रिक छंद है। first accented beat in a rhythmic cycle उ: यह एक सम मात्रिक छंद है। homonymous Ex:  Grammar quality which is homonymous उ: प्रभु तुम सम कृपाल नहिं कोई। timing उ: लावणी एक सम मात्रिक छंद है। time-table-form उ: रोला एक सम मात्रिक छंद है।
Suggested : composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind not heterogeneous as great as the same as (often followed by to or with ) extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging having a likeness or resemblance, especially in a general way level flat without surface irregularities smooth
Word of the day
(सम) sam
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including consonants. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals .
Transliteration :