Meaning of (समाम्नाय) samamnaya in english

As noun : host Ex:  The city has also been the host of numerous events within the sports community
mass Ex:  For example, the mass of 19F is 18.9984032 u. army Ex:  An army under James Stanhope reached Madrid together with the Archduke Charles team Ex:  The team plays in the United Soccer Leagues Second Division. crew Ex:  Seventy-eight passengers and crew died, only eighteen survived the accident. network Ex:  The city has a network of public schools lot Ex:  Fish that has a lot of edges, few bones body Ex:  Diomedes sends his body back to Priam with Calchas in chains. battery Ex:  The wood of a gun, a gun, the piece of wood to which is attached the barrel of such weapons and which carries the battery group Ex:  Takaomi Taira in Tokyo and by a group in France led by Dr. culture Ex:  The Russians restored the Belarusian culture crop pack bunch school Ex:  The mainstream Hanafi school of Sunni Islam is largely organised by the state swarm set Ex:  Copyright password, word that reflects the spirit of an author rather than the character of the character in the mouth of which is set pile collective Ex:  It takes, in a collective sense, for all the fables of antiquity Pagan collection Ex:  There is a large and varied collection of museums nest number Ex:  The California Angels retired the number 30 on June 16 table Ex:  McAfee and Sophos have come later to the table knot whole Ex:  Characters like Johnny Jones and Nellie Kelly appealed to a whole new audience. gestalt heritage Ex:  Italian folk music is an important part of the country's musical heritage tradition Ex:  As one of the best-known and greatest artistic works in the Western tradition catastrophe
Suggested : a group of persons involved in a particular kind of work or working together a number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest the military forces of a nation, exclusive of the navy and in some countries the air force a body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size a person who receives or entertains guests at home or elsewhere
Exampleसमाम्नाय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(समाम्नाय) samamnaya can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : samaamnaaya

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