Meaning of (समुच्छाय) samuchchhaya in english
As noun : altitude Ex:  As the altitude increases
elevation Ex:  Because of its elevation and sheltered environment ceiling Ex:  ceiling loftiness nobility Ex:  Most of the nobility accompanied the provincial governor highness level Ex:  Before progressing to the secondary level of education greatness Ex:  The ineffability of the greatness of God height Ex:  During the height of the Vietnam War pitch superiority Ex:  prefix borrowed from Greek, which is attached to nouns, adjectives, past participles, to mark the Primacy the superiority elevation Ex:  Because of its elevation and sheltered environment improvement Ex:  Other popular how-to books include cookbooks and home improvement books. development Ex:  Scientific development is facilitated through the EU's Framework Programmes betterment advance Ex:  Movement of birds and various animals, which support and advance in the air by means of their wings better Ex:  Searching for better profits going Ex:  He decided which movies he was going to appear in upswing advancement Ex:  It comes from having to obtain advancement uplift rise Ex:  Though the small rise since last year has eased the current crisis hike escalation enhancement augmentation increment swell increase Ex:  This is a significant increase on previous years appreciation addition Ex:  In addition to the Boy Scouts of America gain Ex:  The one who, living the gain of a prostitute, shall, in turn, its protection
Suggested : the quality or state of being high loftiness the noble class or the body of nobles in a country the overhead interior surface of a room the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises the height of anything above a given planetary reference plane, especially above sea level on earth
Exampleसमुच्छाय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(समुच्छाय) samuchchhaya
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras.
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