Meaning of (समुन्नय) samunnaya in english
As noun : procurement
acquisition attainment realization receipt Ex:  Saturday is the day of receipt of this ambassador of the Minister, Mrs X takings realisation gain Ex:  This man is only trying to gain time, it seeks only differ gain Ex:  This man is only trying to gain time, it seeks only differ advantage Ex:  The short engine length remains an advantage of this design benefit Ex:  He had the benefit in this case yield issue Ex:  A related issue is the current discussion about local government profit Ex:  It says figuratively and familiarly of a Person that operates, and by extension, a thing which we get a constant profit fruit Ex:  Common name of the fruit of the wild rose or wild rose payoff boot proceeds Ex:  The nature of love in question Love kindness, charity, love, love Interest, Love which proceeds from a feeling of benevolence, charity, interest, etc interest Ex:  The area of most interest was the western portion. return Ex:  In return the Monos tracked down and killed many of the remaining Ahwahneechee mileage behoof pluto gearing spoil chronicle event Ex:  A festival is an event story Ex:  Miyamoto stated that it was the first story in the timeline history Ex:  The history of Prague spans over thousands of years occurrence Ex:  The earliest occurrence of this name dates from the Song Dynasty occurence event Ex:  A festival is an event incident Ex:  This incident further soured Uganda's international relations case Ex:  In the case of Ahenakew decline Ex:  Presley's decline continued. happening Ex:  He wanted to be informed of what is happening go down sink set Ex:  Give example, to set an example, Doing something that others do after you thing Ex:  Change one thing in any of its parts occasion Ex:  On this occasion the Ministry weighed heavily on the House instance occcurrence decrease Ex:  It also means figuratively Yield of his claims, the price decrease was asked one thing fall Ex:  Falling of its height, is said a person who, while standing, just to fall from its long shrink scene Ex:  Bucharest has a diverse and growing cultural scene affair Ex:  This is not an affair of state consequence Ex:  As a consequence of this opinion outcome Ex:  The army saw this outcome as unacceptable. fallout conclusion Ex:  The Rising Tour came to a final conclusion with three nights in Shea Stadium sum Ex:  I made him feel such a sum outcome Ex:  The army saw this outcome as unacceptable. extraction Ex:  Additionally, oil and gas exploration and extraction are not permitted. finding Ex:  Supporting this finding speculation Ex:  , experiencing a considerable loss following a bad speculation hypothesis Ex:  This hypothesis has been termed the "Snowball Earth" inference conjecture Ex:  Leave too conjecture reckoning assumptions presumption surmise guess Ex:  He also said employees Ways to guess and predict opinion Ex:  The opinion of the Roe Court supposition estimation judgment Ex:  judgment surmisal flavour let Ex:  He let embabouiner idea Ex:  Miyamoto then came up with the idea to use sloped platforms shot Ex:  I swung my camera and shot the scene. rate Ex:  The rate of slumping was initially about 20 cm per year
As verb : account Ex:  His account of the battle was one of his first published stories occur Ex:  1901. Heatwaves occur several times every summer recede reduce Ex:  It still means , figuratively, restrict, reduce in some terminals come down subside wane guessing
As adjective : events Ex:  Four events were scheduled
Suggested : a written acknowledgment of having received , or taken into one's possession , a specified amount of money, goods, etc the making or being made real of something imagined, planned, etc an act of attaining the act of acquiring or gaining possession the act of procuring , or obtaining or getting by effort, care, or the use of special means
Exampleसमुन्नय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(समुन्नय) samunnaya
can be used as noun, verb, adjective, transitive verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :