Meaning of (समुहैं) samuhaiं in english

As noun : across Ex:  Later discoveries occurred at many sites across Victoria.
opposite Ex:  In the opposite direction, drying Channels front Ex:  On the personal front forward Ex:  FIRST still used to indicate that it talked about passes, comes forward head Ex:  Instead, the Speaker is the head of the majority party fore Ex:  Shortly before Edison died in front Ex:  Directly in front of Minería Palace is the National Museum of Art . front Ex:  On the personal front
As verb : up Ex:  Females made up approximately 51% of the population.
As adverb : before Ex:  Shortly before Edison died in front Ex:  Directly in front of Minería Palace is the National Museum of Art . onward ahead Ex:  34 points ahead of the runner-up beyond Ex:  West beyond the Sound are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains forth Ex:  Go forth one after the other along Ex:  Andrew in Brindisi, along with two of his monks
Suggested : toward or at a place, point, or time in advance onward ahead the foremost part or surface of anything previous to earlier or sooner than situated, placed, or lying face to face with something else or each other, or in corresponding positions with relation to an intervening line , space, or thing from one side to the other of
Exampleसमुहैं का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(समुहैं) samuhaiं can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Verb and/or Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : samuhaiं

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