Meaning of (समेधित) samedhita in english
As noun : abundant Ex:  For example, 238U, the most abundant form of uranium, is fissionable
bountiful profuse riotous copious sight Ex:  Which of the two genres can be seen, which is the object of sight unsparing superabundant great Ex:  But the attempt cannot be regarded as a great success full Ex:  Is your food full of it? titan high powered big Ex:  It has big eyes level with the head, protruding If that they are almost at the head associated Ex:  Some American philosophers associated with this movement include Clark Butler joint Ex:  It uses as little joint with an epithet combination Ex:  Farming and fishing are important in combination with the food industry. united Ex:  These nations were often united by common linguistic, religious or family ties. compound Ex:  Drame compound on a sacred subject and to be executed, without sets or costumes in a religious solemnity in a concert or
As verb : abounding
As adjective : ample rich Ex:  Ecuador has substantial petroleum resources and rich agricultural areas. galore generous unstinting plentiful voluminous luxuriant exuberant profuse potent powerful Ex:  The legs were powerful but not built for running
As adverb : mighty
Suggested : (of an act) characterized by or of the nature of rioting or a disturbance of the peace spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess extravagant (often followed by in ) liberal in bestowing gifts, favors, or bounties munificent generous present in great quantity more than adequate oversufficient fully sufficient or more than adequate for the purpose or needs plentiful enough
Word of the day
(समेधित) samedhita
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :