Meaning of (सम्राट) samrat in english
As noun : crowned head उ: मौर्य सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य यहाँ आए थे।
emperor Ex: The Indian emperor Chandragupta उ: रोमन देवताओं में बाद के रोमन सम्राट भी शामिल थे। goliath उ: १७०८ - टेवाफ्लोस इथियोपिया के सम्राट बनाये गए। majesty Ex: She has an air of majesty उ: १८६७ - सम्राट मेजी जापान के १२२वें सम्राट बने। king Ex: King surveyors, barbers king, king of haberdashers, etc उ: १९०९- एलबर्ट बेल्जियम के सम्राट बने।
Suggested : a male sovereign or monarch a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people regal, lofty, or stately dignity imposing character grandeur the giant warrior of the Philistines whom David killed with a stone from a sling I Sam 17 the male sovereign or supreme ruler of an empire
Exampleसम्राट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(सम्राट) samrat
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras.
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