Meaning of (सहधर्मिणी) sahadharminee in english

As noun : spouse उ:   उनकी सहधर्मिणी राज अभी जीवित हैं।
better half उ:   भगवान दत्तात्रेय, महर्षि अत्रि और उनकी सहधर्मिणी अनुसूया के पुत्र थे। wife Ex:  Professor of English and wife of Penn State president Graham Spanier partner old woman lady missus woman Ex:  A Métis woman dame she Ex:  On 15 December, she disembarked Admiral Thurber by helicopter.
As adjective : female Ex:  She later became Botswana's first female High Court judge.
Other : ones wife
Suggested : a woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor sharer associate a married woman, especially when considered in relation to her partner in marriage a person's wife either member of a married pair in relation to the other one's husband or wife
Exampleसहधर्मिणी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(सहधर्मिणी) sahadharminee can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : sahadharmiNii

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