Meaning of (सहसंवेग) sahasnvega in english
As noun : aroused
worked up inflamed hyped up wired pumped up roily charge up astir abroach raise Ex:  to be expedients , to be expedient, be reduced to use all sorts of means to raise resources exasperated roiling pumped
As verb : excited Ex:  Reading this book had excited agitated Ex:  It also said flashes of light that spring knives, agitated and struck with any clarity arouse roiled flushed heated Ex:  He said, in terms of ancient medicine, the moods thickened, heated the human body wind up
As adjective : frantic fierce edgy irritated emotional feverish ablaze incandescent mad hot Ex:  The local climate is tropical and generally hot and humid big Ex:  It is a small misfortune, It's not a big deal
Suggested : desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear , pain, etc frenzied to stir to action or strong response excite to move or force into violent, irregular action to stir to action or strong response excite stirred emotionally agitated
Word of the day
(सहसंवेग) sahasnvega
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :