Meaning of (सहाइ) sahai in english
As noun : contribution Ex:  It is, by extension, the Receipt of this contribution
assistance Ex:  The Locrians appealed to Thebes for assistance subsidiary aid Ex:  The International Monetary Fund later suspended aid support Ex:  Having toured for two years in support of St. help Ex:  Peniamina returned as a missionary with the help of Toimata Fakafitifonua. accommodation furtherance succor backscratching subsidization service Ex:  On May 8, 1947, he was arrested by the Polish security service . subservience subsidisation backing relief Ex:  Including the two genres the relief was erased by wear, by friction, by time back up favor Ex:  They also favor separate academic journals and societies. succour aide Ex:  Arthur Link quotes Wilson's aide assistant Ex:  Salai remained his companion, servant, and assistant for the next thirty years. lieutenant Ex:  Once load, office, employment, lieutenant appurtenant accessory adjuvant tributary Ex:  At first heavily dependent on the Byzantine Empire as its tributary feeder asst adjutant friendly Ex:  friendly Ink without color ink, which blackens the paper when presented to the fire, or that it applies some chemical supporting Ex:  Nancy Olson, Fred Clark, Lloyd Gough and Jack Webb play supporting roles. helper following Ex:  In the following tables second in command sidekick acolyte adjunct contributing Ex:  didactique It is said that in this expression, Integral, each party contributing to the integrity of a whole, unlike the parties that constitute the essence party Ex:  Roosevelt's party landed in Mombasa mate servo contributive supporter Ex:  A supporter of free trade accessorial assoc
As adjective : auxiliary Ex:  HAVE auxiliary verb is conducive Ex:  It is sometimes said to Spell conducive instrumental Ex:  He was instrumental in shaping the city of Christchurch. helpful Ex:  Non-invasive breathing assistance may be helpful ancillary contributory
Suggested : to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need contribute strength or means to render assistance to cooperate effectively with aid assist to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc) serve as a foundation for to provide support for or relief to help serving to assist or supplement auxiliary supplementary the act of contributing
Word of the day
(सहाइ) sahai
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :