Meaning of (सापेक्ष्य) sapekshya in english
As noun : expected Ex:  The Speaker of the House of Commons is expected to be non-partisan उ: इसका प्रयोग बल सापेक्ष्य और अति कठिन माना जाता था।
requisite required Ex:  Since the members of the Order were required to be knights necessary Ex:  Thus many rooms were necessary to house the household. mandatory Ex:  Education is mandatory by law for children aged from 6 to 16 years. needed Ex:  Renewed efforts are needed unmet background Ex:  Put a background in a barrel fundamental Ex:  Many fundamental principles of French Law were laid in the Napoleonic Codes. material Ex:  Demento Society, which issues yearly Christmas re-releases of material from Dr. binding Ex:  The connection that have them, the relationship that binds, which unites the various parts of one thing binding the report that unites together the various parts of a thing
As verb : wanted Ex:  Elector of Saxony wanted supposed Ex:  Algebra The number or known quantity, or supposed such that s' written to meet an unknown algebraic quantities and multiplies required Ex:  Since the members of the Order were required to be knights
As adjective : essential Ex:  Clean water is essential for hygiene obligatory necessary Ex:  Thus many rooms were necessary to house the household. momentous
Suggested : to have need of need assumed as true, regardless of fact hypothetical required or necessary for a particular purpose, position, etc indispensable to feel a need or a desire for wish for to look forward to regard as likely to happen anticipate the occurrence or the coming of
Word of the day
(सापेक्ष्य) sapekshya
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
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