Meaning of (सारंग,सारँग) sarnga in english
As noun : cuckoo
hawk eagle Ex:  The eagle has very strong claws falcon sun Ex:  The sun was sinking on the horizon lion elephant castle rook stallion conch shell one hundred quadrillion scallop conchshell scallop shell lotus repose sleep Ex:  If AWAKEN means waking from sleep slumber drift off kip gold Ex:  1931. Sweden abandoned the gold standard in October 1931 drop off ornament Ex:  It also said the ornament around the dial of some portable clocks made to be applied to the wall, paneling, in an apartment and by extension, the same Pendulum jewellery Ex:  They worked the types of jewellery into two different styles of pieces adornment Ex:  Old woman adornment charm jewelry Ex:  He put some of his money in horses, jewelry valuable Ex:  Africa's most valuable exports are minerals and petroleum. decoration Ex:  The forage is red, green and yellow, red and green, depending on whether it is the decoration of the Legion of honor, the Military Medal and the Croix de Guerre jewel sir head Ex:  He is both the symbolic and functional head of the Corps pond Ex:  This port is good but the pond is small in pond Ex:  This port is good but the pond is small in lake Ex:  The main ports on the lake are Kisumu pool
As adjective : solar
Suggested : of or pertaining to the sun any of several birds of prey of the family Falconidae, especially of the genus Falco, usually distinguished by long, pointed wings, a hooked beak with a toothlike notch on each side of the upper bill, and swift, agile flight, typically diving to seize prey any of several large, soaring birds of prey belonging to the hawk family Accipitridae, noted for their size, strength, and powers of flight and vision any of numerous birds of prey of the family Accipitridae, having a short, hooked beak, broad wings, and curved talons, often seen circling or swooping at low altitudes a common European bird, Cuculus canorus, of the family Cuculidae, noted for its characteristic call and its brood parasitism
Exampleसारंग,सारँग का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(सारंग,सारँग) sarnga
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :