Meaning of (सिरताज) sirataja in english
As noun : head dress
best Ex:  The best guesses include April 1 object Ex:  Arts united Making the inner surface of an object that was drilled substance Ex:  detonating substance subject Ex:  Kasparov has been the subject of a number of other episodes since. article Ex:  This article focuses on engineering aspects of electronics. kind Ex:  Have a kind artist weight Ex:  It has established the unit of weight and measurement contents exibit piece Ex:  Hear a piece of Vespers affair Ex:  We thought this affair ended, she bounced goods Ex:  Increased trade in goods thing Ex:  Compliance agreement of one thing with another spouse hubby better half husband Ex:  She found herself much abandoned the death of her husband man Ex:  A man acting extremely proprietor possessor liege lord swami master Ex:  This dog knows his master liege swamy lord captain sovereign Ex:  It expresses particular sovereign Princes of Monarchs prefect major Ex:  The only major Bronze Age finds have been to the south general Ex:  The remaining members are elected for five-year terms during general elections. premier cardinal Ex:  The Pope gave the Dataria the cardinal such a primary Ex:  New Hampshire is internationally famous for the New Hampshire primary principal Ex:  The principal importers are the CIS head Ex:  The President of the Republic is the head of state president Ex:  The new president was initially popular. central Ex:  The southern and central parts of the state are heavily Mexican American featured Ex:  The BBC's Natural History Unit also featured the Kakapo vintage divine Ex:  The divine service noble Ex:  whose noble estate owner, called Vassal, was homage and usually as a fee, a service etc high Ex:  A high level of official corruption siphoning money away from civil servants elder enormous major Ex:  The only major Bronze Age finds have been to the south grave sizable ample wide Ex:  Enki had a wide influence outside of Sumeria tidy commodious capital Ex:  When Danylo died Lev made Lviv the capital of Halich-Volhynia. up Ex:  During the mid-1990s many grunge bands broke up or became less visible. on the large side roomy on the big side concert Ex:  Throughout his career he wrote a number of other concert overtures. lump nothing short of senior Ex:  Heroic Comedy, This represents a novel action and expressed great feelings between characters senior broad large Ex:  Besides many large cities goodly sizeable full blown tall block capacious good Ex:  Burrowes had an extensive library of which Garvey made good use. better Ex:  Rajesh: Yes, we live in a better world than before . fat Ex:  Little is said A beautiful fish A beautiful hare, in speaking of a fish, a very fat and good to eat Hare spearhead
As verb : commanding surpassing
As adjective : pivotal essential Ex:  These nutrients are essential for the growth of plants . stellar prima arch excellent Ex:  The first chorus is excellent superior unexceptionable spacious
Suggested : that which forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, investigation, etc that of which a thing consists physical matter or material anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form of the highest quality, excellence, or standing a covering or decoration for the head
Exampleसिरताज का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(सिरताज) sirataja
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit and/or Persian language .
Transliteration :