Meaning of (सीक्रेट) seekreta in english
As noun : tone Ex:  Ut is the tonic note in the tone of C उ: फ्रेडी बोस्च - सीक्रेट सर्विस एजेंट, डियाज़।
gesture उ: इस प्रकार पहले एफबीआई एजेंट वास्तव में सीक्रेट सर्विस के एजेंट थे। animus उ: "फ़्लाइंग" को द सीक्रेट मशीन्स के एक कवर संस्करण में दोहराया जाता है। passion उ: सीक्रेट इंटेलिजेन्स सर्विस ब्रिटेन की गुप्तचर संस्था है। set Ex:  I have set my budget and I recognized that it would be impossible to make this expenditure उ: वे द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध में पहली एशियन सीक्रेट एजेंट थी। expression Ex:  Put the soul of the expression in her singing, the emphasis in his language abstract nature Ex:  Draw a from nature उ: बस वही एक होता है जिसको उन्होंने सीक्रेट रेसिपी नहीं बतायी थी। rate Ex:  Many factors affect the rate of progression. उ: उसने तब वार्षिक विक्टोरिया सीक्रेट फैशन शो में घूमना समाप्त किया। pedagogy उ: वह विक्टोरिया सीक्रेट के साथ अपने काम के लिए जानी जाती हैं। education Ex:  Almaty became the early education center. उ: विक्टोरिया सीक्रेट की कैटलॉग में अधिक विविध श्रेणी के माल उपलब्ध हैं। school Ex:  She attended secondary school at Wyedean School and College. उ: विक्टोरिया सीक्रेट मूल रूप से "द लिमिटेड" के स्वामित्व में था। apprenticeship instruction Ex:  The childish instruction teaching Ex:  Serbia suspended the teaching of evolution for one week in 2004 advice Ex:  On the advice of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov उ: वेरोनिका वेब मूल विक्टोरिया सीक्रेट मॉडल में से एक है। consultation Ex:  He said again, for denigration Sharing that makes a surgeon its operating fees with the doctor who called in consultation उ: ग्राहम विक्टोरिया के सीक्रेट एंजल नाम से पहले रेडहेड बन गए। counsel tip Ex:  The tip of a thorn, of an edge counselling opinion Ex:  In R. Lane Fox's opinion guidance Ex:  This can provide useful guidance pointer clouded classified Ex:  Municipalities are classified as either "general law" or "home rule". blind sneaky secret Ex:  He has a long tongue, he can not hold his tongue, He talks a lot, he said everything he knows, he can not keep a secret inside Ex:  Biological Physics current that occurs between two liquids of different density, separated by a membranous wall, until they are completely mixed together and goes from outside to inside undisclosed hole and corner arcane covert closet undetected sneaking hugger mugger sneak occult unrevealed backstage subterraneous private Ex:  Gas is supplied by an independent private company. close Ex:  Both houses are very close secrecy privy hush hush key Ex:  Romero featured human taboos as key themes, particularly cannibalism.
As verb : rede hidden Ex:  It is used figuratively and signifies Disclose something we had to take hidden veiled
As adjective : clandestine silent Ex:  The great joys and great sorrows are silent veiled inner Ex:  The Celts inhabited much of the inner and Atlantic sides of the peninsula ulterior surreptitious cryptic furtive cloak and dagger subterranean dark Ex:  We pursued the thief, but he threw himself into a dark alley and disappeared undercover
As adverb : underground Ex:  Solidarity persisted solely as an underground organization
Suggested : to put (something or someone) in a particular place any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate strong dislike or enmity hostile attitude animosity a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that is expressive of an idea, opinion, emotion, etc any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc
Exampleसीक्रेट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
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Usage of सीक्रेट:
1. बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री तापसी पन्नू अक्षय कुमार के साथ सीक्रेट मिशन पर जा रही हैंlivehindustan.com2. BUZZZ...क्या सोना की लव स्टोरी में रणवीर ने की सीक्रेट एंट्री..livehindustan.com3. ये हैं दुनिया के Top 10 सीक्रेट हथियार, इन्हें छुपा रहे हैं कई देश
(सीक्रेट) seekreta
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :