Meaning of (सूर) sur in english

Other : sun Ex:  Used as a name, it means the place on the horizon where the sun seems to lie उ:   "साहित्य लहरी' सूर की लिखी रचना मानी जाती है।
brave उ:   सहित्यलहरी मैं सूर के दृष्टिकूट पद संकलित हैं। blind उ:   सूर के कृष्ण प्रेम और माधुर्य प्रतिमूर्ति है। mouse coloured उ:   सूर का भ्रमरगीत इसका सुंदर उदाहरण है।
Suggested : unable to see lacking the sense of sight sightless possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance (often initial capital letter) the star that is the central body of the solar system , around which the planets revolve and from which they receive light and heat
Exampleसूर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(सूर) sur and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : suura

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