Meaning of (स्तिमित) stimita in english

As noun : humidity Ex:  The humidity has weighed these goods, these fruits
moisture Ex:  It has a small moisture to Hands wet Ex:  This man is all wet, he soaked his clothes, he was wet damp dampness calm stability Ex:  This provided stability that the country had lacked for over ten years. stableness constancy Ex:  The constancy of its principles steadiness fixity stagnation stagnancy immobility raw static steady intent constant Ex:  A term with no variables is called a constant term, or just a constant. still Ex:  As the building at the time was still comprised of only 15 rooms motionless ground Ex:  Fertile ground rest Ex:  In the rest of Europe dead Ex:  , This is a dead weight, It is a footprint unnecessary unchanging four square at rest settled Ex:  They also settled in the Phoenix Valley , Tempe, Prescott, among other areas. stagnant immobile quiet upset Ex:  , My blood has a beat, I was deeply moved, I was upset
As verb : fixed Ex:  A fixed number determined
As adjective : dank moistened Ex:  Tears moistened his eyelids moist Ex:  It has the moist forehead humid Ex:  Kiev has a continental humid climate. stable Ex:  Not all these empires were equally stable or successful . stationary steadfast pacific firm Ex:  If a firm resolution in a design stagnent immobile definitive quiet unmoved equable untrembling sure Ex:  I am sure that in your heart of hearts you approve me static statuesque
As adverb : stock still
Suggested : slightly wet moist slightly wet moist moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid condensed or diffused liquid, especially water humid condition moistness dampness
Exampleस्तिमित का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(स्तिमित) stimita can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : stimita

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