Meaning of (स्फिर) sphira in english

As noun : rectangle Ex:  Draw a rectangle
giant mammoth colossal roomy great Ex:  His last decade did contain three great roles for the television medium. walk in infinite Ex:  The geometry of the infinite inclusive intimate specific Ex:  , specific to seduce, but to which one does not much trust detailed Ex:  See Yahweh for a more detailed explanation of this reconstruction. full sized large Ex:  While this may seem large broad particular Ex:  It also means, in a particular meaning, that of the first four rules of arithmetic operations or which is divided, that is to say, for which one seeks the number of times a number is contained in another super high Ex:  The people of Antigua & Barbuda have a high level of literacy at well over 90%. low Ex:  The moons have relatively low albedos full Ex:  It was not full independence but it allowed significant autonomy. heavy Ex:  The costs associated with running such a system were also heavy still Ex:  Today, France still maintains a number of overseas territories more Ex:  Viennese instruments were more sensitive. over Ex:  The Palace of Westminster includes over 1,100 rooms greater Ex:  Originally, LGVs were defined as lines permitting speeds greater than 200 km/h much Ex:  For much of this period abundant Ex:  An abundant style bountiful profuse riotous copious sight Ex:  , Melting sight eye, Lose weight quickly unsparing superabundant very Ex:  Visits to colonies can be very popular extreme Ex:  Falling from one extreme to another generous rattling all Ex:  As of 2006, California's GDP is larger than all terribly bad Ex:  He said, figuratively and in a bad sense, Profit certain things that draws plenty quite a few score Ex:  Themes that frequently in a score a hell of a a fat lot awfully damn well Ex:  Elephants have well innervated trunks dead Ex:  I want the man to be a hundred feet underground, I wish he was dead number Ex:  Athens was seriously challenged by a number of revolts among its allies . pile a good deal a good deal of a great deal a helluva packet way Ex:  The way the Finance Bill is organized zillion countless Ex:  It regularly hosts countless other international events including various NATO million Ex:  About 5 million European and Asian immigrants arrived from 1870 to 1953 billion Ex:  GDP was US$1.8 billion in 1985 myriad unnumerable unnumbered multitudinous unnumberable numberless legion Ex:  The velites fighting out of the ranks of the legion and small group
As verb : long Ex:  Vivaldi eventually died not long after further Ex:  Large dzongkhags are further divided into subdistricts known as dungkhag. abounding dirty Ex:  , being dirty as a comb, said of a Person extremely dirty
As adjective : immense Ex:  Des immense wealth huge Ex:  The huge multinational army marched slowly eastwards enormous proud Ex:  The ennobled, new ennobled are sometimes more proud that the ancient noble massive Ex:  It is a massive television event gargantuan big Ex:  It is sometimes said, figuratively and familiarly, This man was hailed, He made big losses, he had great misfortunes large Ex:  While this may seem large stately vast Ex:  The vast area of Congo dwarfs the armed groups spacious capacious commodious comprehensive Ex:  This could be done through a comprehensive reform extensive Ex:  Despite the extensive classical art galleries and museums in the city expansive spacious full scale wide Ex:  There is a wide variety of birds wide ranging full size excessive Ex:  From excessive more than Ex:  Today there are more than 2,500 Assemblies. exuberant extra Ex:  Despite the extra income ample rich Ex:  The Bronze Age also brought rich finds galore generous unstinting plentiful voluminous luxuriant enormous several Ex:  In the early years, the Chinese also staged several invasions into Mongolia considerable Ex:  The Federal State retains a considerable "common heritage". abundant Ex:  An abundant style big Ex:  It is sometimes said, figuratively and familiarly, This man was hailed, He made big losses, he had great misfortunes exquisite much Ex:  For much of this period multiple Ex:  Live performances are typically available on multiple labels. most Ex:  Unlike most battles of the Second Punic War innumerable uncountable accountable uncounted
As adverb : rather Ex:  "municipality", rather than a communist arrangement. too Ex:  But all these reforms were too late: a Russian army soon invaded Poland farther bitterly Ex:  To repent bitterly too Ex:  But all these reforms were too late: a Russian army soon invaded Poland far Ex:  It was by far the longest railway ever constructed at the time. mighty pretty
Suggested : any large, elephantlike mammal of the extinct genus Mammuthus, from the Pleistocene Epoch, having hairy skin and ridged molar teeth (in folklore) a being with human form but superhuman size, strength, etc greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc huge immense extraordinarily large in bulk, quantity, or extent vast huge very great
Exampleस्फिर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(स्फिर) sphira can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : sphira

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