Meaning of (स्वभावसिद्ध) svabhavasiddha in english

As noun : natural Ex:  He taught natural history at the Collegium Carolinum in Kassel
innate plain unstrained automatic simple Ex:  It also means Which consists of simple dishes unforced smooth uncontrived underived unstudied natural, simple effortless virgin natural Ex:  He taught natural history at the Collegium Carolinum in Kassel mineral Ex:  Rich mineral resources are available in Sudan including: petroleum ordinary Ex:  Calligraphy Who is drawn handrail, for ordinary uses in speaking of a write true Ex:  He does not argue that any such conclusions are therefore true real Ex:  As of February 2007, Monaco had Europe's most expensive real estate. unstilted
As verb : unlearned
As adjective : elegant Ex:  Terms elegant spontaneous fluent instinctive easy Ex:  It was not easy to find unconditioned inbred unmannered facile scenic Ex:  A scenic location naturalistic physical Ex:  chemistry, Which enjoys the physical or chemical properties of acids instinctive natural Ex:  He taught natural history at the Collegium Carolinum in Kassel unaffected habitual
Suggested : spoken or written with ease coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency without effort or premeditation natural and unconstrained unplanned existing in one from birth inborn native existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial ) tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, design, etc
Exampleस्वभावसिद्ध का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(स्वभावसिद्ध) svabhavasiddha can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : svabhaavasiddha

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