Meaning of shahabaloot ka vrriksh,shahabalut ka vrriksh,shahabaloot ka vriksh in english

Interpreting shahabaloot ka vrriksh,shahabalut ka vrriksh,shahabaloot ka vriksh - शाहबलूत का वृक्ष
As noun :
chestnut Ex:  Place of chestnut trees
Suggested : any of the several deciduous trees constituting the genus Castanea, of the beech family, having toothed, oblong leaves and bearing edible nuts enclosed in a prickly bur, and including C dentata (American chestnut) which has been virtually destroyed by the chestnut blight , C sativa (European chestnut) C mollissima (Chinese chestnut) and C crenata (Japanese chestnut)
Exampleशाहबलूत का वृक्ष का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
shahabaloot ka vrriksh,shahabalut ka vrriksh,shahabaloot ka vriksh can be used as noun.. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras. Transliteration : shaahabaluuta kaa vRRikSha

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