Meaning of shabdadambar in english
Interpreting shabdadambar - शब्दाडम्बर
As noun : rhetoric Ex:  The political power of Lincoln's rhetoric was undeniable.
Suggested : to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently talk in a wild or vehement way rave overabundance or superfluity of words, as in writing or speech wordiness verbosity characterized by or given to the use of many, or too many, words verbose speech too pompous for an occasion pretentious words (in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display bombast
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : शब्दाडम्बर युक्त वक्तृता (लेक्चर - grandiloquence शब्दाडम्बरी - grandiose
As adjective : शब्दाडम्बरपूर्ण - declamatory शब्दाडम्बरयुक्त - bombastic
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :