Meaning of shant in english
Interpreting shant - शन्त
As noun :
dead Ex: The last judgment, the judgment by which God will judge the living and the dead at the end of the world
Suggested : no longer living deprived of life
Word of the day
Related words :
As verb : शंटिग करना - shunt
Other : शंट करना - shunting शंट धारिता भारण - shunt capacitance loading शंट प्रभाव - shunting effect शंट प्रेरकत्व भारण - shunt inductance loading शंट भरण - shunt feed शंट भरण तंत्र - shunt feed system शंट शिखरन - shunt peaking शंट सिगनल - shunt signal शंट सुसमंजक संधारित्र - shunt trimmer capacitor शंट स्थायीकरण - shunt stabilization शंटिंग - shunting operation शंटिंग इंजन - shunting engine शंटिंग ग्रीवा - shunting neck
can be used as noun.. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :