Meaning of sharab peena,sharab pina in english
Interpreting sharab peena,sharab pina - शराब पीना
As noun : booze
imbibe drink Ex: Wine to drink good wine to drink wine Ex: All accidents were in the bread and wine before the consecration still remain after
Other : intoxicate
Suggested : to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcoholic liquor, a drug, or another substance, especially to excite or stupefy with liquor the fermented juice of grapes, made in many varieties, such as red, white, sweet, dry, still, and sparkling, for use as a beverage, in cooking, in religious rites, etc, and usually having an alcoholic content of 14 percent or less to take water or other liquid into the mouth and swallow it imbibe to consume (liquids) by drinking drink any alcoholic beverage whiskey
Exampleशराब पीना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sharab peena,sharab pina Antonyms of sharab peena,sharab pina
Word of the day
Usage of शराब पीना:
1. शराब से केवल लिवर को ही नुकसान नहीं होता बल्कि जो लोग परिवार आगे बढ़ाना चाह रहे हैं उनके लिए भी शराब पीना खतरे की घंटी हैamarujala.com2. VIDEO: झारखंड के इन नौ गांवों में शराब पीना और पिलाना है मना
livehindustan.com3. उन्होंने कहा- शराब पीना गलत नहीं है, लेकिन लिमिट में पीनी चाहिए... इसके अलावा उन्होंने शादी और त्योहारों में शराब पीने की छूट मिलने की वकालत भी कर दी
sharab peena,sharab pina
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
sharaaba piinaa