Meaning of shrey dena in english
Interpreting shrey dena - श्रेय देना
As verb : accredit
ascribe credit Ex: figuratively, he Said the reputation of the signing of a man Who Gives credit to icts authority and acts and his words
Other : attribute Ex: It is used as a subject, as an attribute and as a complement with or without preposition
Suggested : commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc to credit or assign, as to a cause or source attribute impute to ascribe or attribute to (usually followed by with )
Exampleश्रेय देना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of shrey dena Antonyms of shrey dena
Word of the day
Usage of श्रेय देना:
1. अध्यादेश पर श्रेय देना अटकलबाजी: प्रणब LiveHindustan2. अध्यादेश पर आडवाणी का मुझे श्रेय देना महज अटकलबाजी: प्रणब LiveHindustan
shrey dena
can be used as verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
shreya denaa