Meaning of shvasanalee,shvasanali in english
Interpreting shvasanalee,shvasanali - श्वासनली
As noun : trachea Ex:  The trachea -artère is placed in front of the esophagus उ: मछलियों के शरीर में श्वासनली नहीं होती।
windpipe उ: ग्रासनाल और श्वासनली दोनों ही गले से शुरू होतीं हैं।
Suggested : Anatomy, Zoology the tube in humans and other air-breathing vertebrates extending from the larynx to the bronchi , serving as the principal passage for conveying air to and from the lungs the windpipe See diag under lung
Exampleश्वासनली का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of shvasanalee,shvasanali
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Related words :
As noun : श्वासनली का ऑपरेशन - tracheotomy श्वासनली शोथ - bronchitis श्वासनली संबंधी - tracheal श्वासनलीछेदन - tracheostomy
As adjective : श्वासनली जैसा - tracheal श्वासनली शोथ संबंधी - bronchitic
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :