Meaning of (शाठ्च) shathcha in english
As noun : evil Ex:  Make an exclamation of surprise and something that seems extraordinary, whether good or evil
heinousness perversity vileness iniquity immorality wickedness infamy villainy villainousness pretence dupery perfidy swindle elusiveness deceitfulness deceit treachery hoax knavishness coggery chicanery guile delusiveness traitorism charlatanry fraud imposture eye wash duplicity game Ex:  Another reference to Link is in the Japanese version of the NES game sham obliquity insincerity cheat circumvention snobbery self righteousness snobbism snobbishness haughtiness deception subterfuge
Suggested : immoral quality, character, or conduct wickedness evilness gross injustice or wickedness wretchedly bad the state or quality of being perverse morally wrong or bad immoral wicked
Word of the day
(शाठ्च) shathcha
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
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